General and Cosmetic Dentistry

Healthy teeth guarantee general health. A regular visit to the dentist, modern materials and technologies will save your teeth.

Today, general and cosmetic dentistry has enormous potential for tooth restoration. Modern fillings and restoration are a true art of technology, which is owned by professionals. You can restore your teeth quiukly and without pain.

General and Cosmetic Dentistry

What is general dentistry?

General dentistry is a field of medicine that includes caring for oral health and the prevention of dental diseases and disorders. The work of the dentist in this case consists in preventive measures such as cleaning or sealing fissures, as well as training the patient in the proper care of the oral cavity and dental structures to maintain a healthy smile throughout life. The dentist is also responsible for the diagnosis of diseases that can affect the health of the oral cavity, teeth and gums and also develop the most effective treatment plan for the patient. By visiting the dentist twice a year for cleaning and examination, patients can avoid many diseases of the oral cavity such as periodontitis or tooth decay, or get the necessary help in the early stages of the disease.

General dentistry can solve the following problems:

  • Caries is the destruction of important hard parts of a tooth that is constantly progressing. A typical sign of caries is the occurrence of severe pain from various chemical, temperature irritants. There are 4 forms of caries, each of which is the next stage of tooth tissue disease. Today you can treat all types of caries without stress and pain;
  • Pulpitis is neglected caries, when bacteria from the tooth enamel pass to the deeper layers and a tooth nerve or pulp is damaged. Of course, treating pulpitis is much more difficult than tooth decay. Firstly, first you need to remove the nerve, and secondly, you need to qualitatively seal the root canal. A cured canal is the key to health and long tooth service;
  • Periodontitis is a consequence of a deep tooth lesion,. It is a carious disease and inflammation of the root of the tooth. Despite the severity of the disease, modern dentists will never advise you to remove a bad tooth. Thanks to modern treatment methods, restoring a tooth is quite real;
  • Gum disease. Recently, gum disease has become so widespread that dentistry has created a separate area called periodontology. The most famous gum disease is Gingivitis, which is a slight inflammation of the gums characterized by swelling, bleeding during eating or brushing.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

A few people can boast beautiful teeth by nature. That’s why we need cosmetic dentistry, which can make your smile beautiful. In addition, the appearance of human teeth is greatly deteriorated with age. Cracks, dark spots, chips appear on the enamel. Teeth may also bend.

People with tooth problems try not to smile or open their mouths very often. This negatively affects their self-esteem.

Currently, cosmetic dentistry is developing very rapidly.

It is very important that cosmetic dental services are painless and practically do not cause discomfort to the patient. A positive result will not take long.

Aesthetic dentistry solves such problems as:

  • Correction of the bite and a change in the position of the teeth on the jaw is the longest and most unpleasant process. Teeth are aligned using permanent equipment – braces. They are special brackets that are strung on an arc. These braces exert constant pressure on the teeth and lead to their alignment. You need to wear them long enough. Braces can ruin a patient’s appearance. But today they are either almost invisible or decorated in different ways;
  • Tooth restoration is carried out using a bead-cured composite with ceramic particles. Bonding is also used. Such a procedure makes it possible to simultaneously solve both functional and aesthetic problems. A specialist can make up for the missing parts in a tooth with the help of artificial material. This material is almost indistinguishable from natural enamel. An experienced professional knows how to individually select the color for each patient, as well as saturation and transparency. Bonding is usually prescribed in case of carious lesions. It allows you to increase the length or width of the tooth. This procedure also creates a protective coating when part of the root of the tooth is exposed. The restored tooth surface cannot be distinguished from natural. Restoration pursues not only therapeutic but also aesthetic goals. Restored teeth function like real teeth. Restoration usually ends with contouring, which is the grinding and polishing of teeth. This allows you to improve their shape;
  • Crowns and bridges have long been used to mask a damaged tooth. Aesthetic dentistry uses non-metallic technologies. At the same time, it is possible to achieve maximum proximity to the natural look of the teeth. Crowns are fastened with the most advanced adhesive materials. They allow you to provide stability fixation. In addition, the patient does not feel the presence of a foreign body in the oral cavity after the procedure;
  • Veneers are the main alternative to crowns. They were invented about 30 years ago. Then they were made of plastic. Currently, they are very thin translucent ceramic lining. Veneers are very popular, especially among celebrities. These crowns make it possible to change the appearance of teeth for the better in the shortest possible time. This procedure is painless. You do not need to grind the tooth body. In addition, you do not have to remove the nerves.
    Damaged front teeth can become perfectly white and even almost instantly. In this case, the specialist strengthens the lining on the tooth surface using special procedures. The tooth does not suffer, the veneers even protect it from damage. Veneers can be Hollywood and classic. Hollywood veneers are intended mainly for visual effect. This is a petal pad that covers the tooth only in front. The second group is functional full overlays. There are also lumineers – the thinnest and very durable linings. All types of veneers are practically not affected by the negative effects of tea, coffee and tobacco;
  • Clinical tooth whitening is prescribed when it is necessary to improve only the color of the teeth. There are various types of clinical whitening. Laser is most often used in aesthetic dentistry. It is characterized by efficiency and durability;
    At the same time, a preparation that contains a little hydrogen peroxide is applied to the tooth enamel. The tooth is irradiated with short laser flashes. Photobleaching is also popular. Irradiation is carried out with a halogen lamp. At the end of the procedure, the doctor applies amorphous calcium phosphate to the tooth, which fills the microcracks;
  • Teeth decoration is the latest trend in aesthetic dentistry. Teeth can be decorated with various applications made of precious metals, Swarovski crystals, imitation tattoos. Often jewelry masks a dark spot or tooth damage. The jewelry is attached to the surface with a special glue, you can remove it at any time. It lasts up to 6 months. In this case, you must follow the recommendations for oral hygiene.